Monday, October 17, 2011


Southern Oregon Resources Association. Just a bunch of miners meeting at Elmer's on monday morning. Open for breakfast - enjoyed the discussion. Time has come to listen to opinion's in the process of resolving fact. Lot's happening - worth understanding what is behind the miner's resources use issues.

Each person had a moment or five to tell their tale. Just a number of different issues with the same underlying issue - who gets to tell whom what to do. The discussion of jurisdiction is key to resolving problems that haven't come to light yet. Work needs to be done - to establish the basis set from which we get to work from. Common ground needs to be defined.

The establishment of a mining district will determine the fate of the metal in the ground. As an inorganic chemist, i feel as though i am the representative of the earth that holds that metal - i wish to share my respect for the process of metabolism of earth. This is a deep topic with me, Dr. Lenny has put time into developing this topic in other venues.

I welcome information on all SOJ issues. This site will attempt to relate practical information about developing civilization on a local scale based on an agricultural economy. I welcome constructive input and will feature what people are up to.

Pass thru Info: On Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00 pm in Yreka, CA, there will be a rally in behalf of the rural lifestyle in the State of Jefferson.

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