Yreka, CaliforniaThe CauseAcross this nation, OUR NATIONAL TREASURY IS BEING STOLEN, SEALED OFF, OR
DISMANTLED. We cannot remain a sovereign nation, or a prosperous nation, if
we become dependent upon third world countries for our very sustenance.
Rural America is not covered in the news, in TV shows, or
Hollywood. So it
is easy to forget, and become disconnected from our roots.
1. *90-95% of our land mass.
2. *the source of our food, water, energy, building materials, metals, and
other natural resources.
3. *the last major reservoir of family, family values, faith, nationalism,
and hard work ethic.
4. *the backbone of our nation, in fact.
AND IT IS UNDER ATTACK ... from within. Siskiyou County and the other
counties throughout the
Klamath River Basin ― already decimated by the
spotted owl debacle and directly in the crosshairs of the Wilderness Project
― are at ground zero in the battle to defend the nation's food supply and
natural resources.
Big Government has already pushed itself to the 99-yard line, with
expectations of making the final play in the imminent future. Yet like most
of Rural America, Siskiyou County does not have the population, financial
resources, or media support to fight this battle by themselves.
Underemployment is already around 30%, and will get worse if Big Government
has its way.
The Launch
An all-hands-on-deck gathering will be held October 22nd in
California to form a unified effort to stop Big Government from winning this
battle, and all subsequent battles across our nation. The meeting will be
held from 6:30P-8:30P at the
Winema Hall at the Yreka fairgrounds. Seating
is limited to 400, so make sure to be on time to insure a seat. The doors
open at 6:00P to allow sufficient time for registration. There is no charge.
There will be a debut of Kirk MacKenzie's documentary film on
County and it's people, and a panel discussion to handle Q&A from the
audience. Sheriff Jon Lopey ― a local hero for his defense of the community,
the Constitution, and coordination rights ― will be there. Sheriffs from
surrounding counties are also being invited.
Affected groups throughout
Northern California and
Southern Oregon are
coming. Like-minded groups throughout the rest of
California and
Oregon are
invited. Attendees from as far away as
Montana are already committed to join
us at this historic event.
An objective of this event is to create an alliance and unified front across
like-minded groups. If your organization wants to support this event with
promotion and attendance, we welcome your support and will include you in
the formal press release to go out within the next two weeks. Contact any of
the organizers listed below.
The Organizers
Defend Rural AmericaKirk MacKenzie
Siskiyou County Water Users Association (SCWUA)Leo Bergeron, President
www.siskiyoucountywaterusers.comScott Valley Protect Our WaterLiz Bowen, President
www.pienpolitics.comYreka Tea Party PatriotsLouise Gliatto
Yreka Tea Party