Friday, December 16, 2011

How Much?

Way too much! For the state of Jefferson, our currency will have to be backed by something of value - precious metals, industrial production or a tangible asset. This is unreal and we cannot allow business as usual. We must have local autonomy and we must respect individual sovereignty. I welcome all discussion of how we can go about doing that.

Oh, by the way - 29 trillion, if you don't wish to jump to the link, which breaks it down into semi-crunchy numbers.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One hundred million dollar penny

This is a very interesting video from a congressional campaign. The question is what are we going to do about it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Welcome to December

There is much going on within the realm of the State of Jefferson. The Klamath Dam water issue will determine who actually has control of the land, but there will never be enough funds available to actually do the work. There are many people frothing at the mouth - who has the real jurisdiction over the land. I guess this is a constitutional question, but I personally do not believe that the constitution holds any weight because the people that it regulates do not follow it. There is a major power grab going on - we need to focus on our local region at a level where we can influence. The game is all messed up - we needs to be defined at every level.

So let's throw an olive branch out for the entire holiday season and open our hearts and minds to looking at the way it is and the way we would like it to be and set a path to get there. We can use this forum to bring up new issues - we can set the platter for the events that will happen that will lead us from where we are to where we wish to be. So - who are we?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Red Pill

If you choose to climb down this rabbit hole with Alice, it will open your eyes to what we really know - you know that you know and it is coming to the time to do something - so read this and get really, really mad.

more Dam Issues

This is a very interesting piece from the Bill Meyer radio program.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dam Water Issues

About a 100 people turned out in Medford last night for a discussion of the Klamath Basin water situation. Dr. Lenny has placed some thought onto the depths of this topic - he is interested in what other voices in the community are saying.

The issue on the table is the water that is currently being diverted from the Klamath basin to the Rogue basin - which is mitigated for California by the storage behind these dams. There are a lot of acre-feet of water that just will not be available if the dams go away. Since the public comment period has been extended, there was an immediate need to know about this situation. As a past board member of the PUR watershed council in the Umpqua, i know exactly how many stakeholders there are, and their standing at the table.

Plus, there are some serious issues with jurisdiction - at all levels. Oregon Water law is very specific in how it issue and deals with water rights. California is downstream, so their regulations should be moot here, but the dams are all in California. The Kurok Tribe of Indians seem to have accelerated standing here. The USFS, BLM, NMFS, NOAA, (Interior and commerce) acronyms are setting rules by fiat that have never been blessed by congress into law. Siskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey and Josephine County Sheriff Gil Gilbertson each spoke to the 'coordination' not accorded the local law enforcement officials. These gentlemen have sworn to uphold the constitution against all foreign and domestic trials. We need to have the sheriffs' backs when they stand up to the feds and states on these matters - if we believe in this document, the constitution.

There is much going on - more than i wish to address on the fly in a blog. The game of life is throwing a curveball, but we just wrapped a single into right field. Help us get organized by choosing an issue and paying attention to that topic. We need to educate each other efficiently and quietly, so that people here know the scoop from all perspectives. Both the rednecks and the hippies are threatened - it is no longer a we/they situation. We need to slow down, think strategically and understand that everything is temporary. Which inning is this game in, anyway?

This is your site - comment and help us learn.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Late Breaking News

We are having a substantial meeting this Tuesday (tonight!) at the Live Oak Grange in
Rogue River <> at 6:30 p.m.

The topic will be Jury Trials and Raising Hemp. Our JoCo Sheriff will be
there and involved.

Tell a friend about the Rogue River meeting while enjoying a local story
ml> and a national article <> ,
each directly relating to noticeable trends.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Jefferson Rounds : Photos

Check out the fine detail - Jefferson Rounds may be worth collecting. One ounce rounds.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


On any given day, when we look at the skies, we see streaks that create clouds that affect the sun. The rainbow and sunset colors are beautiful, but are they natural? Dr. Lenny Thyme appeared in the file What in the World are They Spraying? by film director Michael Murphy. One of the unanswered questions was - how come the pilots didn't know. I didn't have an answer until now - this tale also provides a pretty good update on the whole sky array.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The legality of closing roads

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have lots of land. There is nothing more frustrating than finding your over-land shortcut has run you into a locked gate. If it is on private land, there is not much you can say, but on public lands the public should always have the right of way. The BLM disagrees and now is in the process of removing our public right of ways on western lands in areas that are soon to be designated as wilderness or monument. They are doing this by closing public roads. Even the king was not allowed to close public roads!

There is however a supreme court decision that affects this situation - NEW ORLEANS V. UNITED STATES, 35 U. S. 662 :: Volume 35 :: 1836 :: Full Text :: US Supreme Court Cases from Justia & Oyez




The United States alleged, by a petition presented to the district Court of the United States for the District of Louisiana, that by the treaty of cession of the late province of Louisiana, the United States succeeded to all the antecedent rights of France and Spain as they then were, in and over the province, the dominion and possession thereof, including all lands which were not private property, and that certain lots and vacant lands in front of the City of New Orleans, which the petition asserted passed to the United States by the cession, had by an ordinance of the city been directed to be sold for the use of the city. The petition prayed that the City of New Orleans should be perpetually enjoined from selling the same or doing any other act which shall invade the rightful dominion of the United States over the said land or their possession of it. The City of New Orleans claimed the ground which lies between the line of the front houses of the city and the River Mississippi:

First, as having been left by the King of France as quays for the use and benefit of the city.

Second, because if since the foundation of the city the space of ground became wider than was necessary for the use of the city as quays, it was occasioned by alluvial deposits in front of the city in consequence of works erected by the inhabitants at the expense of the city to advance the levee in front on the river.

Third, because by the laws of Spain, in force when the alluvions were formed in front of the city, such formations belonged to the inhabitants of the cities, who may dispose of the same as they may think convenient, on their leaving what is necessary for the public use.

The District Court of Louisiana ordered the perpetual injunction as prayed, and that decree was reversed on appeal.

In order to dedicate property for public use in cities and towns and other places, it is not essential that the right to use the same shall be vested in a corporate body. It may exist in the public, and have no other limitation than the wants of the community at large.

The principles upon which the case of City of Cincinnati v. White, 6 Pet. 431, and the case of Barclay v. Howell, 6 Pet. 498, were decided examined and affirmed.

If buildings had been erected on lands within the space dedicated for public use, or grants of part of the same have been made by the power which had authority to make and had made a dedication of the same to public use, the erection of the buildings and the making of the grants would not be considered as disproving the dedication, and the grants would not affect the vested rights of the public.

The question is well settled at common law that the person whose land is bounded by a stream of water which changes its course gradually by alluvial formations shall still hold the same boundary, including the accumulated soil. No other rule can be applied on just principles. Every proprietor whose land is thus bounded is subject to loss by the same means which may add to his territory, and as he is also without remedy for his loss in this way, he cannot be held accountable for his gain. This rule is no less just when applied to public than to private rights.

If you would like to continue reading ...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Man Camp

This from a friend in the region - mighty scary

Recently i began to contemplate how would the Gov. maintain order in the event of a natural disaster or crisis or go about a Relocation scam. Well, fear no more Folks, The Minds of Halliburton have come up with the answer. Born out of the need to house a lot of diverse people to work the oil rigs Halliburton has developed what is known as MAN CAMPS: these offer containment and safe housing to both People Living Inside (Some say similar to a jail cell) as well as providing isolation of the local community from Outsiders (Roughnecks and Drunks). The Oil BOOM OF NORTH DAKOTA So out with the old belt and in with the NEW OIL BELT Sure looks like the old Belt. Now just think how easy one of these MAN CAMP STRUCTURES and listen to THIS GUY , a Montana democrat.

If you can live inside the box, this would be your ultimate community.

A Cartoon

Friday, October 21, 2011

More info about Yreka



October 22, 2011 in Yreka, California

The Cause

DISMANTLED. We cannot remain a sovereign nation, or a prosperous nation, if
we become dependent upon third world countries for our very sustenance.
Rural America is not covered in the news, in TV shows, or Hollywood. So it
is easy to forget, and become disconnected from our roots.


1. *90-95% of our land mass.

2. *the source of our food, water, energy, building materials, metals, and
other natural resources.

3. *the last major reservoir of family, family values, faith, nationalism,
and hard work ethic.

4. *the backbone of our nation, in fact.

AND IT IS UNDER ATTACK ... from within. Siskiyou County and the other
counties throughout the Klamath River Basin ― already decimated by the
spotted owl debacle and directly in the crosshairs of the Wilderness Project
― are at ground zero in the battle to defend the nation's food supply and
natural resources.

Big Government has already pushed itself to the 99-yard line, with
expectations of making the final play in the imminent future. Yet like most
of Rural America, Siskiyou County does not have the population, financial
resources, or media support to fight this battle by themselves.
Underemployment is already around 30%, and will get worse if Big Government
has its way.

The Launch


An all-hands-on-deck gathering will be held October 22nd in Yreka,
to form a unified effort to stop Big Government from winning this
battle, and all subsequent battles across our nation. The meeting will be
held from 6:30P-8:30P at the Winema Hall at the Yreka fairgrounds. Seating
is limited to 400, so make sure to be on time to insure a seat. The doors
open at 6:00P to allow sufficient time for registration. There is no charge.

There will be a debut of Kirk MacKenzie's documentary film on Siskiyou
and it's people, and a panel discussion to handle Q&A from the
audience. Sheriff Jon Lopey ― a local hero for his defense of the community,
the Constitution, and coordination rights ― will be there. Sheriffs from
surrounding counties are also being invited.

Affected groups throughout Northern California and Southern Oregon are
coming. Like-minded groups throughout the rest of California and Oregon are
invited. Attendees from as far away as Montana are already committed to join
us at this historic event.


An objective of this event is to create an alliance and unified front across
like-minded groups. If your organization wants to support this event with
promotion and attendance, we welcome your support and will include you in
the formal press release to go out within the next two weeks. Contact any of
the organizers listed below.

The Organizers

Defend Rural America

Kirk MacKenzie

Siskiyou County Water Users Association (SCWUA)

Leo Bergeron, President

Scott Valley Protect Our Water

Liz Bowen, President

Yreka Tea Party Patriots

Louise Gliatto

Yreka Tea Party

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Defend Rural America

This file should give you the information : see you in Yreka!

The Launch
An all-hands-on-deck gathering will be
held October 22nd in Yreka,
California to form a unified effort to
stop Big Government from winning this
battle, and all subsequent battles across
our nation. The meeting will be
held 6:30P-9:30P at the Yreka Fairgrounds
Commercial Building. Attendance is
expected to exceed 1,000 people, so
make sure to be on time. The doors
open at 3:00P to allow sufficient time
for registration. There is no charge, but
donations are appreciated.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jefferson Rounds

Silver is currently sitting at $ 31.93 - it seems that it can go much higher. The Jefferson Agronomic Guild will be using silver and gold as a basis for trade - in the fall back position to balance any deals. If you would like your silver collection to be held in Jefferson Rounds - now is the time to make the conversion, while the price is affordable. That's where i stash my excess cash (heh, heh - that's an oxymoron, excess cash).

Monday, October 17, 2011


Southern Oregon Resources Association. Just a bunch of miners meeting at Elmer's on monday morning. Open for breakfast - enjoyed the discussion. Time has come to listen to opinion's in the process of resolving fact. Lot's happening - worth understanding what is behind the miner's resources use issues.

Each person had a moment or five to tell their tale. Just a number of different issues with the same underlying issue - who gets to tell whom what to do. The discussion of jurisdiction is key to resolving problems that haven't come to light yet. Work needs to be done - to establish the basis set from which we get to work from. Common ground needs to be defined.

The establishment of a mining district will determine the fate of the metal in the ground. As an inorganic chemist, i feel as though i am the representative of the earth that holds that metal - i wish to share my respect for the process of metabolism of earth. This is a deep topic with me, Dr. Lenny has put time into developing this topic in other venues.

I welcome information on all SOJ issues. This site will attempt to relate practical information about developing civilization on a local scale based on an agricultural economy. I welcome constructive input and will feature what people are up to.

Pass thru Info: On Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00 pm in Yreka, CA, there will be a rally in behalf of the rural lifestyle in the State of Jefferson.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Existence - The Book

For several years, I have been waiting to publish my book Existence, which conceptually morphed several times in the past few years. Now that we are getting serious about the State of Jefferson, i figure that the time to roll out the document has come. If you can help me publish the book as a real book, please contact me - i am going to start publishing the contents of the book on my Existence website.

When first written, Dr. Lenny was a member of the Universal Sovereign's of a Living Earth - an organization that has morphed into the non-affiliated SOJ movement. The contents of this work comes from the adventures of life in the aftermath of personal disaster. I was amongst the first to comprehend - i hope this helps you to see what needs to be done.

You do not have to get my permission to reuse any of the pictures, descriptions or accounts - just attribute their use.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

So what is this?

The Jefferson Agronomic Guild is an alliance of sovereigns that have agreed to work together for common benefit within the currently imaginary state of Jefferson. This site is a thought essay for all people who want to see what can be done. We will be working on the ground in Northern California and Southern Oregon to support the efforts of individual people as we collectively rebuild a reality that rotates around our spheres.

It is critical that each of us does his or her own thing. I offer my help to you, but you realize that i have my own gig and i may need your help from time to time. Enrollment is artificial - we do not need to know what each other is doing outside of the common interests that we share. We just respect that your stated goals are your goals and we keep an open pathway to the exchange of knowledge in all forms.

Thus the JAG, the Jefferson Agronomic Guild, is a coalition of individuals working together to build an education system based on truth, transparency and hard currency of exchange. Each of us owns our own hours and sells them to others in exchange for money. The monetary system that used to exist was based on fiat currency. We must go back to a metal basis, preferably using a Mondragon model.

If you like what you see here, participate with comment!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Water Story

The video of Dr. Lenny talking water to the Occupy Ashland crowd.
Home - for Dr. Lenny - is the state of Jefferson - southern Oregon and northern California. This is a loose cannon site that is unofficially passing along information about the proceedings of life in the twenty-first century.

Welcome to the State of Jefferson Agronomic Guild. This will be an attempt to pass along relevant information about localization of life. There will be several links to sites that develop this theme. Please make contact if you are interested in being part of the change. Also - feel free to visit The Zone and Existence.