Wednesday, April 24, 2013


   It has been a while since there was much to say - so now, there is time to speak.  I traveled to Yreka last night to hear Dane Wiggington speak to a Tea Party gathering.  There were close to 100 people in the room as Dane brought us all up to speed on the disaster that is called Chemtrails.  Dane was featured in Michael Murphy's second film on the topic - Why in the World are They Spraying?  There whole idea of placing chemicals in the air to stop global warming is an insane notion that must be stopped.
   Dane documented the history of climate change through geo-engineering - a misplaced form of science that is attempting to lower the albedo of the earth - the amount of reflected energy from the surface.  He showed slides in rapid fashion, commenting on the works of other folks to document the effects.  I sat with Francis Mangels, the former USFS scientist who has collected the Mt. Shasta data on high levels of Barium, Strontium and Aluminum.  These inorganic ions are showing up in the water analyses of fresh snow.  Dane also attempted to show how the weather reports are not telling the truth about the extent of weather damage being done by these mechanisms.  The ozone hole and the Arctic ice melt are directly correlated with what we already know - that the sprays from the jets are not natural.
   Water vapor requires certain conditions to form clouds in the atmosphere - the dew point and the temperatures tend to keep the water transparent.  Having a point of nucleation allows water grouping to hold more mass - thus we see the diffusion of persistent clouds over the course of the day.  Dane showed photos of spray from jets that were obviously not commercial airliners on normal flights.  He also told of confrontations with the geo-engineering scientists that demonstrated the lack of understanding about the toxicity of the effects.  He mentioned a David Keith as an adamant supporter of disaster capitalism - the making of money at the expense of all life.  The Monsanity of the world from an alcoa point of view was apparent.
   A major problem has to do with the grasp of understanding.  Scientists are generally people who have a specific agenda focus from the viewpoint of their own field.  The depth of knowledge of peripheral areas required to do good work is beyond the capacity of many of those folks in academics - they tend to believe each other to be experts in their own fields and fail to do their own homework.  Myth trumps facts when logic is not applied to comprehension.  We would do well to challenge all assumptions in every field of knowledge - to prove what we think we know.
   Rather than rant on - i will send you to Dane's site - .  The information is extensive - but the folks who can address the situation have their fingers in their ears and are screaming loudly.  They seem to change the setting of the bar when we achieve the current burden of proof.  The time has come for local autonomy - if we want to spray ourselves locally, that should be decided locally.  I for one wish the spraying to go away - it is a crime against nature.  

Dr. Lenny Thyme