Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Feral Pigs

Only if you redefine the word feral. This video tells us that there may not be a resolution with-in the system, but the folks in the film certainly believe that the law will protect them. Why?

Monday, March 26, 2012

KulturCritic's 1st Final Battle

When you give up on the existing culture as a source of future anything, you are left picking up the pieces and reconfiguring them into a new workable form. The latest federal executive order has reenforced my personal opinion that the State of Jefferson should be the Independent Sovereignty of Jefferson. We need to come to common agreement on new ground rules, but we have been through these discussions before on a political basis.

On a practical basis - the game is now the 1% vs. everybody else. Tea Party and Occupy! are just part of the tactics - the general strategy being ... being ... Hey guys - what is the common strategy? Here is a link to a much more detailed rationale for the new rules of the game.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Repeal the Patriot Act

I rarely have good things to say about our distinguished senior senator from Oregon, Ron Wyden. However, I am glad that he has taken a stand on this issue.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gold and Silver

This article explains the precious metal trade as it now exists. There is a lot of metal in the ground and finding a presentable form for exchange will help us to build a local economy that can support its own people. If you are interested in being part of a local exchange - attend a local SOJ meeting and hang with the miners group.

They are changing the rules unilaterally on mining - the current claim system is governed by the 1872 mining act - the monument crowd is attempting to close off local resources by fiat. There is more going on than just a few policy changes - stand with people who have valid claims and are being evicted without being heard. Life isn't fair - expansion is currently at the greatest it ever has been - the whole thing splinters and we need policy and protocol in a system that few currently forsee, but |we had better develop soon, if we wish to have them.