Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Follow Up - Pond Water

The water issue with Gary Harrington and Dominic Notter has heated up again.  After reading this article, continue on and read the 131 comments - there is definitely some context to this issue that needs to be explored in depth.  Doc will likely run his Water Course again in January at .  Enjoy the read.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This post is to start up an effort in the background to begin the wheels rolling on a Jeffersonian adventure.  The developments of the present day have made Statehood take on a new meaning - the State of Jefferson as in the state of Israel - complete sovereignty and foreign aid from the US grubbermint.  As i have been travelling, i pass the dragon in Yreka and see the barn and know, that this is the time to start vesting interest within the idea of autonomy.  

Baby steps - just travel and listen and do photography and slowly beat the drum, as the feds fade, we are responsible for our selves - to act to portray that good is the founding of the mental state, developing the meme, the theme, the body and the dialect of ubiquity of culture - the State of Jefferson - not a state of any other federation - just local's cooperating with each other to promote all locals - for the advancement of everybody.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


   Welcome to the State of Jefferson.  The next state to the south is the state of confusion, to the north is state of the Art.  Altered states are to the east, while the Pacifist Ocean resides on the western front.  We have a big barn, a sacred cow and a large dragon watching over the land, on I-5 near Weed.  It's the time and the season for ...
   There seems to be a problem with sovereignty.  The clarity is offered here by Will Grigg.  It seems that criminal capture of the protection system has created a place where there is no highway after the my way.  The police are an armed force and the 2nd amendment is a very inadequate protection.  A gun is a protection measure - carries a lot more weight than the constitution, which is paper.  The pen is mightier than the sword, bullets hurt.
   What does it mean to be sovereign?  To me - i follow natural law, not arbitrary law as defined by liars.  If the fedgov cannot follow their own rules and enforce themselves, then who are they to enforce me to do anything.  Ignorance is no excuse - their laws make no sense and would be considered micro-management in any business climate.  Or extortion.  Or lunacy.  You decide.
   What can you, a sovereign individual do?  First - read the Sovereign - A newspaper of resistance at .  Second - confirm all 'facts' with knowledge that comes from a different source - preferably both sources outside your tight knit little group.  Third - change your tight knit little group into a loose spun big group, with concrete goals for future survival.  Fourth - learn some urban survival tactics - like the workshop in Reno on Oct 13/14 to develop focus on personal needs for seniors if the grid goes down.  Hey - not just seniors.  Fifth - have a plan and keep dreaming,
   Become your own state of mind, then expand your periphery.  Change your own house and leave other houses to change at the whim of their owners.  Negotiate a compromise with your family and friends and love them dearly as you do what you need to do and not what they tell you you have to do.  Value your time and your personal energy and keep them available for when you have something to do that requires time and energy.  You can offer them to friends, but on terms that advance the community and are not a cost to the individual.
   Today's post is here, because doc like to keep the zone off beat and the comic at the top of the page needs to be there at the top of the page.  Jefferson needs to develop a few real communities to try things that might not work on a scale that if they don't work, our backs are still covered.  The drought means that here, physically, we have been over 90 since mid July almost every day and it is past the equinox - we are pushing 100 in mid-afternoon,  
   Namaste'   doc

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

State of Jefferson

The State of Jackson County

from Kevin:

Meanwhile, the Jackson County Sheriff and Board of Commissioners allowed the unlawful arrest of Gary Harrington, against natural rights to live.

Please watch this presentation for a global audience to better understand the embarrassment I feel for being a Jackson County property tax payer:

Where is the tangible evidence of sovereignty in Jackson County? I have yet to see it, while Salem tightens its grip around our necks.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Why should any individual be governed by a "contract" that he never signed, and that the other party can unilaterally revise at its pleasure?

Will Grigg's essay at today.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Another voice.

The mythical SoJ takes on a real dimension, when we believe that we can, because we can.  Enjoy the read.

Friday, June 29, 2012

America First Party

America First Party
1630 A 30th Street #111
Boulder, Colorado 80301

Friday, June 29, 2012

Supreme Court Decision: We Warned Against Roberts in 2005

Boulder, CO - The America First Party is not surprised by Justice John
Roberts' decision in the Obamacare lawsuits. After all, the Party warned
Americans about how dangerous Roberts was way back in 2005 when President
Bush nominated him for the position. With this latest disastrous betrayal of
the Constitution by Justice Roberts, the Bush II Presidency has once again
shown itself to be the gift that just keeps on giving.

Roberts had a track record of trampling on property rights, the rights of
innocent and helpless babies, and basic principles of fairness and justice
before he ascended to the High Court. In two press releases, the AFP called
the public's attention in 2005 to his penchant for stealing private property
by government force, countenancing abortion which takes an innocent life,
confiscating private funds to pay for unconstitutional government programs,
and ripping off torture victims -- including American war veterans -- of
their monetary awards for damages against the government of Iraq.

Former National Chairman Dan Charles said at the time: "President Bush had
promised the American people that he would nominate a constitutionalist
Supreme Court Justice in the mold of Justices Scalia or Thomas. Many
conservatives held their noses and voted for the President only because they
believed that promise. When he nominated Judge Roberts to replace retiring
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, President Bush broke that promise."

Now in this, one of the most devastating strikes against Constitutional
liberties in the last half century, Roberts provides the crucial vote to
uphold the so-called "health care mandate" under the taxing powers of the
Federal Government. The notion, that a penalty is really just a tax, is
ludicrous on its face, but now opens a pandora's box of regulations and
prohibitions and mandates masquerading as new "taxes."

National Secretary John Pittman Hey stated: "There is no limit, under
Roberts' reasoning, to the vexatious rules and onerous mandates that the
Federal Government can squeeze past the Constitution. Any regulation, no
matter how far afield from proper constitutional governance, no matter how
great an insult to the sharp limits on federal power enshrined in the
Constitution, will now be fair game."

Mr. Hey concluded: "Justice Roberts' violation of his oath to uphold the
Constitution is proof once again that Republicans cannot be counted on to
nominate qualified, decent, Constitutionalists to the High Court. This
betrayal tears away the last excuse that Republican hacks have always used
to coerce patriots into pulling the lever for the Republican nominee. The
bitter lesson learned is this: keep voting for Republicans, and expect to
continue to have your rights stripped away by their judges."

Jonathan Hill, National Chairman 1-866-SOS-USA1, ext 4
John Pittman Hey, National Secretary,
Informer mailing list

Monday, April 2, 2012

They can only do this if we allow it

If you live here in Jefferson, you understand the problems with local grubbermint. Here is an update on Jackson County, Oregon. The only way to unrecognize this behavior is to withdraw consent - Jefferson should recognizen independent sovereignty.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Feral Pigs

Only if you redefine the word feral. This video tells us that there may not be a resolution with-in the system, but the folks in the film certainly believe that the law will protect them. Why?

Monday, March 26, 2012

KulturCritic's 1st Final Battle

When you give up on the existing culture as a source of future anything, you are left picking up the pieces and reconfiguring them into a new workable form. The latest federal executive order has reenforced my personal opinion that the State of Jefferson should be the Independent Sovereignty of Jefferson. We need to come to common agreement on new ground rules, but we have been through these discussions before on a political basis.

On a practical basis - the game is now the 1% vs. everybody else. Tea Party and Occupy! are just part of the tactics - the general strategy being ... being ... Hey guys - what is the common strategy? Here is a link to a much more detailed rationale for the new rules of the game.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Repeal the Patriot Act

I rarely have good things to say about our distinguished senior senator from Oregon, Ron Wyden. However, I am glad that he has taken a stand on this issue.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gold and Silver

This article explains the precious metal trade as it now exists. There is a lot of metal in the ground and finding a presentable form for exchange will help us to build a local economy that can support its own people. If you are interested in being part of a local exchange - attend a local SOJ meeting and hang with the miners group.

They are changing the rules unilaterally on mining - the current claim system is governed by the 1872 mining act - the monument crowd is attempting to close off local resources by fiat. There is more going on than just a few policy changes - stand with people who have valid claims and are being evicted without being heard. Life isn't fair - expansion is currently at the greatest it ever has been - the whole thing splinters and we need policy and protocol in a system that few currently forsee, but |we had better develop soon, if we wish to have them.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

False Flag

This is a very interesting warning video posted on you tube today.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


This link is to a YouTube video from the Khan Academy - a school that offers free learning on-line. The explanation for the over-extended reach of the long arm of the law by legislators that have a failure to comprehend the change in how the world works. Don't vote for anyone that isn't willing to correct the process, as opposed to extending it. And do not be afraid - just resist completely and ignore the threats. We need to come to our own agreement locally, based on the state of Jefferson requirements, not the federal kleptocracy.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Sacramento Notices

That maybe there is a problem in Siskiyou County. Check out this two-part series.